About Us

About Us

GCCIL is a fastest growing community of CEO’s, executives and leaders 130 regions around the world…focused on helping companies grow in more than one regions or a country.

We're the leading organization in the world with hundreds of locations that helps executives grow their company through warm connections globally with the aim to foster, nurture and enable the spirit of helping entrepreneurs and business leader for generating new and innovative business ideas to grow Globally.

GCCIL believes to create a sustain environment of global growth of Industry, startups and trade by promoting business development opportunities amongst governments and businesses worldwide through high level summits, digital collaboration, startup meets, international law conference, professional development programs, market intelligence, Networking and expertise.

Spreading wings of GCCIL for Women Empowerment, Youth Development, Social Activity, Awards and Cultural Programs.

Global Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Law are an innovative alternative for businesses. It is the revolutionary business vehicle to connect, equip, teach, inform, mentor, and guide small business enterprises worldwide to achieve long-term success in local and global markets. We offer you a vital opportunity which offers business and market information via chambers (local to global), business promotion, Industry startup, verification and networking services.

To help our members meet the challenges in their business, digitization and globalization and at the same time take advantage of the opportunities it offers, GCCIL has been providing supplementary services to its member chambers and their respective constituencies who are expanding beyond their territories and reaching out into the International market. By organizing high-level events and professional development programs that five international business opportunities, professional development and entrepreneurship, the GCCIL promotes international business opportunities worldwide.

GCCIL is among the largest and most vibrant Chambers across the globe. GCCIL’s Sector Agro & Food Processing, Banking & fiancé, Law & rules, Chemical & fertilizer, Health and pharmacy, Agriculture, Mining & Energy, Building & Infrastructure, Startup & Skill Development, Tourism Sector, Young leader forum, Women enterprise, IT & ITES, Waste 2 Energy, Biotech, Media, Telecom, Transport, Port, Trading. One way helping the industry to grow and exchange of knowledge, developments, and innovations in the worldwide arena and on the other hand doing massive social work like Child Education, Women Empowerment, Health and food supply. We provide Networking Opportunities with Mentors, Professionals, Experts, Advisors and Officers from different Governments and Private entities to grow their business towards excellences Globally.

Global Chamber Of Commerce Industry and Law is an international network of hundreds of executives and leaders in business and governments with the aim of driving economic and social outcomes through collaboration to create jobs and alleviate poverty. Through partnership with countries, chambers of commerce, federations, NGOs and Financial institution, GCCIL is committees to fostering sustainable international business and government partnership in the area many sectors and business.